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What is Advanced Integrative Energy Healing?

Although all energy healing modalities such as Advanced Integrative Energy Healing™️ (AIEH™️), Reiki, Pranic Healing, Therapeutic Touch, etc come from the same universal consciousness they tap into it in different ways. All these modalities naturally move towards health and well-being using the life force energy called chi or prana.  Advanced Integrative Energy Healing bridges the Western new science, transpersonal multi-cultural perspectives, Eastern yogic views of self and soul, and subtle energy healing. The emphasis is on self-mastery, spiritual development, and life purpose: 

  • Somatic Physiology–trauma and somatic holding, disease, and well-being (P. Levine, I. McNaughton, Vander Kolk, R. Scaer, P. Tomasson, B. Rothchilds, Tiller)

  • Biofield Therapies–chakras and levels of the field, mind-body interactions, and field of interactions (B. Brennan, M. Conner, J. Oshmann.)

  • Integral Yoga Psychology–planes of consciousness, states of consciousness, and awareness dialogue - a model from which an understanding of consciousness can support the subtle energy field. (A. Ghose, R. Lamb).


*Your practitioner, Mara Hagglund has over 1,144 hours of theoretical training; five case studies, and 300 hours (102 supervised sessions) of clinical training experience in healthcare delivery settings. In addition, she spent 8 months as an Integrative Energy Healing practitioner research intern for vicarious trauma and work-related stress for forensic nurses, and 7 years as a lead instructor, clinical supervisor, and internship coordinator in the Integrative Energy Healing Program at Langara College. 

How does energy healing work?

Although there are hundreds of energy points, there are seven major centers (chakras) that usually are dealt with in our healing session. The major vital energy centers start between the legs, at the sacral coccyx joint at the bottom of the spinal cord, and reach up along the spinal cord (central channel) all the way up to the forehead with the seventh chakra just above the crown of the head. At each of the major energy centres, there is a connection to the major nerve plexuses of the body. These energy centers are stacked respectively throughout the layers of the human energy field. 

Each energy centre is responsible for certain physical, etheric, and metaphysical aspects of your being. The energy centres represent major areas of life, and so, are responsible for certain physiological reactions in the body. They contain data referring to your past, present, and future. They are openings for life energy to flow in and out of your biofield (aura). They act as transformers bringing in the incoming energies in our environment. The energy centres can be seen as an interface between matter and consciousness. When we are not aware of our energy centres, they operate on a subconscious level and cause imbalance and incoherence. A flow of grounding current (energy from the earthly planet) must be able to move vertically, from the feet, up the legs and spine to the top of the head and beyond, where we connect to the higher sources of energy. When the flow is blocked anywhere along the way by an imbalanced energy centre, we cannot reach the self-awareness needed to restore the flow of energy and strengthen the immune system, and thus regain health and healing.

The biofield is also composed of many layers, seven of which are usually dealt with in our healing session. These subtle energy bodies can not be considered any less real than our physical bodies. There's the physical body's anatomy and the non-physical-energy field's anatomy. If all your subtle energy bodies are strong, charged, and healthy, you will have a full life in all areas of human experience. If it is depleted at any level, you will have difficulty having experiences that are associated with that level, and your life experience will be limited. 

Are there any side effects from Integrative Energy Healing?

Most of the time a person will feel relaxed and uplifted by an Integrative Energy Healing treatment. However, sometimes a person will have what is called a healing crisis. As a person’s vibration goes up, toxins that have been stored in the body will be released into the bloodstream to be filtered by the liver and kidneys and removed from the system. When this happens, sometimes a person can get a headache or stomach ache or feel weak. If this happens, it is a good idea to drink more water, eat lighter meals, and get more rest. The body is cleansing as part of the healing process so this is a good sign.

*Note: It is recommended to consult your doctor before engaging in complementary therapies.

What's the role of the energy healing practitioner? 

Your AIEH practitioner has developed her Intuitive skillset organically through self-development and deep inner work and uses her hands, eyes, breath, and consciousness to balance, modulate, and clear the energy moving through and around the body. Using body, intuition, and Spirit to assist healing through the use of energy and Divine light. The intuitive skill level of energy healing practitioners can vary.

I'm healthy should I still have a session?

Individuals with healthy energy centres allow the flow of pure energy to move freely from the lower to the higher energy centres, and the natural state of abundance is realized. 

What is an energy healing session like?

Before your session, you will be emailed a short questionnaire (Intake form) for personal history and current health status. Once the session begins an interview will follow with you to clarify your needs (treatment techniques and pace) and intentions for healing. Issues can come up at this time, and I encourage the client to speak. Share what you would like me to focus on, and if you’d rather just enter into the healing and see what happens, that's fine also.

After the interview, I will orient the client to the nature of balancing the biofield. The client is fully clothed but I will ask you to take off your shoes (sometimes jewelry and metal also) and we will begin a chair treatment and or a therapeutic table treatment. Nothing else needs to be removed. You will lie on your back, under a blanket, and or sheet. Bolsters and pillows are also available for your comfort. 

Your practitioner will then energetically assess the energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body to 'tune in' and find the imbalances and blocks. I will often use guided visualization for the client to ground, centre, align, and open the flow of energy. Followed by light touch, or 'off the body' energy healing. Biofield balancing is usually done silently but facilitative talking during treatment can happen to clarify the client's beliefs, and self-forgiveness, and to facilitate self-healing. Within my scope of practice, Awareness Dialogue skills will assist in mental-spiritual balancing (as it is expressed energetically.) Resiliency-building strategies and self-care techniques will be used to aid the process. 


You will be prescribed 'homework' suggestions to support the work done in the session. These are body-oriented techniques for feeling safe, grounding, body awareness, reducing anxiety and stress etc.


*Note: Energy work may affect blood sugar levels. If you are diabetic please bring your blood glucose meter, and snacks and allow an additional 20 minutes after your session to measure your blood sugar levels.

What can I expect from a session?

Some clients have reported their symptoms disappearing completely, others notice more subtle shifts over time as the energy flow is restored. Some people can not sense the energy waves but this does not mean the energy is not restoring flow. Balancing may be as subtle as feeling more peaceful and deeply relaxed or as dramatic as experiencing bliss, greater clarity, and or transformation. The outcome of treatment may yield profound changes and healing, or nothing. The change most commonly experienced is very deep relaxation, greater well-being, feeling centred, more self-awareness, greater resiliency, clarity and spiritual awareness. 

What can I expect after  I have a session?

After the treatment, there is an opportunity for discussion about the experience and observations, facilitating insights and integration of the energy healing. Instruction in energy-based self-care strategies and coping skills will be given as homework which will support the healing process for you at home such as grounding, resource building, breathwork, and movement.

Following a session, the field has expanded and can last for several days. It is recommended that you provide a gentle and nurturing environment for yourself following a session to allow time for continued integration to happen. Many people have reported experiencing better sleep, long-forgotten memories, and feelings, as well as new body sensations surfacing after a session. These will all ease off as integration occurs. It's also common to feel thirsty after a session, so it's important to drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine-based drinks, such as coffee. Drinking water is an important conductor in helping the energy to move, and a recommended amount will be suggested based on your normal intake to be consumed in the following 48 hours. You might feel deeply relaxed after a session, and resting at home afterward can help you get the full benefit of the treatment. It's recommended that you avoid any intense or heavy stimuli is also recommended following a session. 

How many sessions will I need?

The recommended number of sessions depends on the individual's complex health history. A personal treatment plan and outcome will be discussed during the first visit. Most practitioners suggest that the best results are obtained from three sessions within a relatively short time frame. After that, it is recommended to take a break before having more treatments. For basic balancing, de-stressing, and deep relaxation, one to three sessions are usually sufficient. If you require deeper work to be done on an issue, it can be accomplished in a series of five consecutive treatments, give to take a few. Many clients like to come for subsequent sessions for a monthly 'tune-up' after completing a series of sessions. The sessions will be terminated when you feel that your goals have been achieved, and you can progress on your own.

Although, as an energy healing practitioner Mara can often work alongside a healthcare professional she does not diagnose and cannot prescribe drugs. All sessions are private and strictly confidential.​

The process of returning to whole health is a journey that requires all aspects of one's being to be taken into account. The primary goal is to return to and maintain a harmonious relationship within oneself and the world of which it is a part.

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